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The RADIO AMATEUR OLD TIMERS' ASSOCIATION seeks to keep alive the pioneer spirit and traditions of the past in todays Amateur Radio by means of personal and radio contact, whilst being mindful of any special needs.

Full Membership : Open to anyone who has been actively involved in Amateur Radio for over 25 years. You do not need to have held an Amateur Radio licence for the whole of that period of time, or even to have held one at all.

Associate Membership : Those who have been actively involved in Amateur Radio for a shorter period are warmly invited to apply for Associate Membership. This carries all the benefits of full membership, but without the voting rights.

All members receive our quarterly magazine, OT News, which is professionally printed using digital techniques.

For those with limited eyesight OT News is also available on a variety of audio media. For details see the Audio News Page.

A membership application form, and a copy of our Constitution can be found on the DOWNLOADS page.

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website updated 22nd October 2024